Why Second Crack?

We love to see leaders grow and become their best selves. We also love coffee. And we realized that developing leaders and producing great coffee have a lot in common — metaphorically speaking, of course.

During the coffee roasting process, an audible first crack indicates that the basic characteristics of the coffee are released. However, it takes more time and heat to develop the full potential of a premium coffee. It is when you hear the second crack that the rich flavours and deep aromas, the true essence, of the coffee have fully developed.

Similarly, we guide leaders beyond their ‘first crack’ in exploring and developing their true essence. It is a journey that takes time, experience, and occasionally some heat.

Why The Leadership Podcast?

In today’s complex business environment leaders must transform themselves first, before leading transformation in their organization. This self-transformation builds on the self-awareness developed through reflection, feedback, and learning as a leader.

Our Leadership Podcast provides a space to explore leadership paradoxes and dilemmas, and to ask thought-provoking questions. It is like having a conversation with a friend over a cup of coffee in a relaxed atmosphere, inviting reflection to gain new insights, see different perspectives, and generate new thinking.

As an experienced leader, you benefit more from reflecting on thought-provoking questions than listening to well-intended but oversimplified ‘how-to’ advice.

About us
Gerrit Pelzer
Executive Coach Gerrit Pelzer

I am Gerrit Pelzer, Executive Coach & Coach Supervisor. At the heart of my work is an understanding of the human being in organizations and how the human brain and mind work. I help leaders be their best “self” more often, using an approach founded in applied neuroscience.

I have been coaching executives full-time since 2010, and I have worked with clients from over thirty nations. Combined with twelve years of experience in senior corporate roles in Europe and Asia, I can relate to today’s leaders’ problems, speak their language, and provide practical steps to help them improve performance while maintaining a healthy balance.

I love coffee, try to keep myself fit, and have the bad habit of buying more books than I can ever read.

Please feel free to connect with me on LinkedIn.

Martin Aldergard
Leadership Consultant Martin Aldergard

Hello, I’m Martin Aldergard. I’m curious about how leaders can better help their teams to learn, change and transform together.

I’ve been a consultant in corporate transformation and leadership development for over 20 years with experience in Europe and Asia. My contributions in client projects are typically the people-side of change and the associated leadership development needs. I also frequently design and facilitate senior leadership workshops.

Besides work, I love being out-door to hike, ski or do gardening. Occasionally I play traditional Swedish folk tunes on the fiddle.

More information on LinkedIn.